Helping you improve your emotions and habits. Fast.

See big changes right away.
Now open in central London & ONLINE 


Hypnotherapy Can Be A Shortcut to Success 

Intention + Belief + Release + Action = Magic

Whatever you do – solopreneur, creative, or corporate – hypnotherapy can boost confidence and resilience.

The magic happens when you set a clear intention, believe in your success, release control of the outcome and take consistent, focused action. I'm here to help you with this.


Would You Like Support With... 

Specific Fears And Phobias

Specific Fears & Phobias

Anxiety can manifest as a general feeling of unease, even panic, or as a more specific fear or worry related to particular situations or objects. This can cause debilitating symptoms. Let me help you overcome your fear and transform it into strength, self-mastery and healing.

Self Esteem & Confidence

Overcome fear and doubt that hold you back from reaching your career and business goals (fear of being visible and putting yourself out there, social media anxiety, communication apprehension, selective mutism). Communicate, express yourself, sell and negotiate with ease. 

Presentations, Public Speaking & Performance

Overcome stage fright and performance anxiety to show up as your best self whenever you want. Be camera confident, get a buzz out of presenting, stay calm during exams, interviews and before big games. And never again break a sweat while parallel parking with your mates watching!

Habit Reversal

Put an end to being stuck. Eliminate procrastination. Learn a powerful approach to reverse the habits that trip you up. Stop nail biting, skin picking, hair pulling, cut down on drinking, over-consuming, overeating, and bingeing.

Low Mood & Motivation

Beat procrastination by melting away the blocks that keep you stuck. Boost your energy by shifting low mood and light depression. Start feeling together and productive again, with an appetite for life.

Stress, Anxiety & Overwhelm

Don't let the high alert state drain you. Conquer mental chatter and rumination stealing your energy. Stop making excuses and stop putting your life on hold because you think you can't manage. You got this!


Step into your personal vision, let go of limiting beliefs, and tap into abundance. It's this high vibe attitude that'll motivate you to manifest your career and business goals.


Client Testimonials

I was dubious that the treatment would ‘get through to me’ meaning, I wasn't convinced that I would be receptive and that my behaviour could be influenced.

Whilst we focused on specific issues I feel that my attitude and approach to solving emotional or psychological challenges has changed.

Knowing that such issues can be addressed effectively and relatively simply has improved my overall confidence and probably led to me being more rational and proactive.

I’d recommend this service because it has worked for me and because I have a great deal of confidence in Gwendi, her delivery was professional and comforting.

- Harry

Financial Services Industry, London


Initially I was sceptical about hypnosis but I was curious about trying a new methodology so just went for it.

Gwen’s openness and tailored approach were great, I felt heard!

Working with her has given me a framework for my day to day so that I  finally have a tool to overcome my issue.

- Lila

Executive Marketing Director, London

I had considered hypnotherapy before but hesitated to go with it because I was not sure that the therapist who introduced the idea to me was the right fit for me. But I felt a connection to Gwen and was very comfortable opening up to her. 

When I decided to book hypnotherapy I was already feeling a seed of positive energy that I wanted to build on. The therapy with Gwen nurtured this positive seed and helps me revert to positivity whenever I find myself in a negative state.

The hypnosis and guided meditations helped me the most, but the personal talks beforehand were cathartic too. Some things I already knew, others became clear to me because of the conversations we had. Together, they really built up my self-confidence.

- Araz

Trust Manager, London

I successfully went on a plane!! I flew to my destination for my holiday for a few days and then back to London! I can't believe I managed it. I was still nervous. But considering I had to cancel a trip only a couple of months ago because I had such a severe panic attack at the thought of going on a plane, I am so proud of myself that I went on this trip. 
Thank you so much for all your help and support, it means a lot to me.
- Hannah

Postgraduate Student, London



Create Space in Your Mind

Declutter your mind to make room for the life you're about to manifest.


I'm Gwen

I help leaders like you overcome challenges and transform your mindset. Supporting you to manifest your goals in business and career.

I’ve helped hundreds of founders build successful online businesses. My most successful clients work from an abundance and growth mindset.

I'm a qualified hypnotherapist and help you:

  • Boost confidence, motivation, and get more done
  • Reduce anxiety, stress and overwhelm
  • Release you from feeling stuck or frustrated
  • Ditch limiting beliefs and ineffective habits holding you back

Hypnotherapy can rewire the brain and install the mindset that will make your success inevitable.

You can book in-person sessions in central London. Additionally, I offer online therapy via video call. So you get help wherever you are




Helping You Overcome Specific Fears And Phobias


Two Clients Used The Same Word In Their Testimonial

I have found the time speaking to Gwendi immensely useful. Her approach and delivery are fantastic

- Dave

Corporate, London

Hectic days but things are going well and the pointers Gwen gave me have been IMMENSELY helpful! 

- Rita

Social Media Manager, London

I' ve been having trouble having enough confidence and clarity to go forward on a consistent basis.

The first part of my manifestation has happened - song got picked up - and I want to get to the second part - the song gets cut by a major label artist.

- MC

Music producer, Los Angeles

The opportunity to do a session with Gwen arrived at just the right time.
I felt very alone in what I was doing, I didn't know what else to do, I wasn't feeling emotionally supported by anything in the world other than myself. 
After my session, it's interesting to see how things are flowing together. It feels like blocks are being removed at just the right times, and I'm able to get into the spaces I've imagined. 
From the supportive session with Gwen, which felt like a true immersion into healing water, I can feel the things on my path and in my future. I can actually feel the experience of those things. 
So now I'm able to embody the presence of the person we uncovered in our session. I'm much more united with 'her' and aligned with myself. 
And I don't feel alone in my endeavours anymore, the memory of our voices interweaving in the session and Gwen repeating my exact phrasing back to me with such attention makes me feel rich with support. It has been so beneficial, and it keeps giving—thank you so very much!
- Laura

Consultant, Illinois



Does Online Hypnotherapy Work?

Get better quickly - without leaving the house


Online hypnotherapy sessions are just as effective as in-person sessions because the real change happens inside of YOU.


Protect you energy by saving on travel costs and travel time.


Be in charge of your environment and attend sessions from the comfort of your own home.

Scheduling ease 

Book appointments that slot into your schedule - and book yourself in at short notice.