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Overcoming Self-Doubt & Boosting Sales Confidence

Business woman at her desk - running her business to expand and grow personally and financially
Selling from the heart is never pushy.

GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD AND Believe in yourself - and your ability to sell your services

Overcoming Self-Doubt In Business

Imagine being unable to move forward in your business because you’re constantly overthinking. Wondering what to say, how to say it, what to sell, how much to charge, how to sell without seeming pushy or desperate. These dizzying questions manage to stop you in your tracks.

Motivation and momentum have been replaced by silent business killers; such as stuck-ness, procrastination, self-doubt, undercharging, and the draining feast and famine approach to sales and marketing.

If this has you nodding even a bit then you’re not alone. 95% of online entrepreneurs I speak to would love to get out of their head. And start to wholeheartedly believe in themselves and their ability to sell their services.

So they can sell authentically and with more confidence, helping and serving more people.

They try to get out of procrastination and fix their overthinking, but keep going back to old patterns. 

'I'm completely overwhelmed' ‘I’m stuck’  

They’re their own worst enemy, standing repeatedly in their own way. This brings up the question: is there something deeper going on?


What is Past Programming And How Does It Affect Your Business Success?


Past experiences influence how we feel and act in the now. The past may be preventing us from showing up with confidence and ease. 

Subconscious beliefs, adopted years ago can still hold you back in business today. It's time to understand the relationship between past programming and your beliefs. We all hold a mix of beliefs unique to us. For example:

I can’t make high ticket sales. Selling is too in your face. I come across as desperate when I sell.

Your results today are linked to these subconscious beliefs. So let's shine a light on them, identify them and exchange them with empowering ones.

When done properly this will help you trust yourself and your abilities to sell your services. It’ll motivate you to serve and invite abundance into your business. And your self-trust and dedication will in turn inspire confidence in others to book you, hire you, employ you, buy from you.

Boosting Sales Confidence is the key to mastering sales and marketing as a heart-centred leader.

Desperation, pushiness or neediness will melt away. Instead you’ll be confident of the value you offer. You know that overcoming self-doubt is something we all need to do from time to time.

There's no drama, just an authentic offering for your prospect to take or leave. This self-assured certainty alone will increase the desirability of your services. 

Slimy sales tactics are replaced by pride in your offerings and a genuine ability to serve and help.

Let's dig into how your past experiences affect your confidence in sales

Break free from past programming with practical tools, techniques and tips for heart-centred leaders.

Past programming describes the ingrained, learned beliefs, attitudes, and behaviours we take on while growing up.

These beliefs…

  • have been passed on to us by our family, society and culture.

  • have been shaped by our experiences. 

  • influence how we see ourselves, others, and the world.

  • determine self-perception, money mindset, success mindset, attitude to relationships, and overall worldview.

  • guide decision-making, reactions, and responses to different situations.

  • influence the way we show up in business and directly shape our money mindset.

The challenge arises because we take these beliefs as truth, even though they're just opinions about ourselves. They're beliefs and opinions but not facts.

To make things more complicated, they're often hidden, unconscious. We're not aware that we’re holding them. So they wield their limiting power from a hidden place sabotaging everything we do. Without us realising.

For example: an upbringing in a scarcity mentality can create trouble with self-worth and financial abundance later on.

‘Don’t order orange juice with your fries...we have orange juice at home!’  'I'm worthy'   'There's more than enough money to go around' 

Countering a scarcity mentality with affirmations of abundance can feel deeply uncomfortable for a person from this background. They will probably show resistance to the positive affirmations.

They might cut corners, not invest in themselves and see themselves as unworthy; all qualities that won’t help you land high ticket clients.

The first step to breaking free from breaking mental barriers in entrepreneurship is to recognise past programming. Once you're aware of it you can start changing the stories you tell yourself.

Techniques like self reflection and cognitive behavioural hypnotherapy can be very successful in reprogramming the subconscious mind and encouraging positive, empowering beliefs.


The Impact Of Low Self-Esteem On High Ticket Sales


There's no need to feel alone if you're unconfident in your sales and marketing skills. Most of us feel like that at one point. We all feel like an impostor at least once…when we were doing it for the first time.

It’s time to act however, if you can't shake feeling like a fraud and if low confidence persists. Or if the feeling prevents you from 'getting out there'. 

Many entrepreneurs struggle to light a fire in their high-ticket prospects because they can't even ignite confidence within themselves. Past programming is holding these entrepreneurs back. 

‘Who do you think you are?’ 

What are the stories you're telling yourself? The foot is always on the brake even though they are desperate to move full steam ahead. They hesitate, wobble, and stutter to a halt.

‘I don’t have what it takes’

Some remain in that state, and others pull themselves back into action. Again and again. But unless they fix the limiting belief at the root of their stuckness, they won't get past this stumbling block.

It's one of the biggest reasons so many entrepreneurs don't succeed. They're weighed down by past programming and limiting beliefs. They think they can't generate the uplift needed to get their business off the ground.

Taking your foot off the brake and accelerating requires confidence and self-belief. Belief that you can drive the car and get to your destination. We can get this belief by unravelling and unlearning negative programming.

It's easy to lose faith in the value of your services when confidence wanes. Insecurity and doubt hold you back, preventing you from getting paid what you're worth.


The Solution


Build up your confidence with deep subconscious reprogramming. This transformative process boosts healthy self-assurance, making it easier for you to feel motivated, negotiate sales and show up in your business. By transforming insecurities, you'll get on the path to more confident, successful authentic sales. 

‘You matter. Your voice matters.’


Personal Growth Through Business


Boosting your confidence does more than just increase your sales and presentation abilities. You'll feel better. You'll grow as a person. Your confidence is going to ripple into your community, making a difference. 

Business as ‘therapy’ means seeing your journey as both a professional challenge and as a powerful driver of personal growth. Challenge yourself. Step up and show up.

‘To be successful, you must be willing to do the things others won’t do. So that you have the things that others won’t have.’ (Les Brown)

Now every business challenge has been turned into an opportunity to learn and grow. 

Here are some of the areas we have an opportunity to grow in as entrepreneurs:

  • overcome camera shyness 

  • calm public speaking nerves

  • show up consistently for something you believe in 

  • overcome social awkwardness at an event 

  • drop impostor syndrome

  • feel comfortable getting feedback and criticism

  • overcome buying objections

  • brush off a tanked pitch (and learn from it)

  • getting back up after a lost sale

  • handling a refund without emotional charge

Each of these activities serves as a stepping stone toward becoming your best self, and channelling your inner 6-figure CEO. Your business helps you improve yourself. It teaches you resilience, and strengthens the qualities that contribute to both professional success and personal fulfilment. Buckle up!


What's The Impact Of Confidence Building?


Feeling confident is important for emotional well-being and from a business perspective, confidence is a key to success. If you’re confident you’ll sell more because you communicate with joy and ease.

You’re serving the client instead of desperately trying to force products and services on them. You believe in your products and this reassures your clients. They start trust you and feel at ease engaging with you. 

Confidence in your message motivates you to keep showing up. It also rallies followers behind you. Like-minded people who believe in the same things you believe in. People who need to hear your message and who need your help. So make your message heard and your people will gather. 

Confidence affects personal relationships. It empowers and helps us feel comfortable. With ourselves and with each other. It creates space to be ourselves. We're authentic. We're building genuine trust and meaningful connections with clients.

Confident entrepreneurs are more likely to explore new opportunities, and invest in themselves and their business.

All of this encourages business growth. We really want and need confidence for successful living. But what to do if you aren't born confident? How do we access the subconscious to reprogram it?



Why Addressing Low Self-Esteem Is Crucial For Business Success


Addressing low self-esteem in sales and marketing is crucial. It's important to have confidence, presence, and a positive self-image. 

Bringing on certainty will help you land high ticket clients. Form real connections on social media and in person, and present your ideas persuasively. 


You'll gain confidence in social interactions

And you now what happens if you manage to show up as a convincing leader right? People will follow you. Chances are, that you're going to be fully booked with high ticket clients if you ramp up the confidence. You've got to show that you know the way and that you can (and want to) help them.

The way you show up with flair will help you stand out. Your clients will connect with the transparent you when you're not afraid to show who you really are.


Confident communication anyone? You'll be able to speak so much better.

Effective communication requires confidence. How to do this? Talk to the human. Listen. Be interested in building genuine connections. Make sure you communicate clearly and address each concern. 


Effective presentation skills

To sell more of your products and services, you must put them in front of more people.

Pitch, present, make a compelling case. Don't worry, we're not being sleazy or pushy if you genuinely want to provide a service. Take your people with you. With low self-esteem, it's difficult to express ideas in a way that touches others. It's hard to get people to buy into you if you don't believe in yourself.


Building connections (and bringing them into play)

Low self-confidence makes it hard to ask for help or receive help from others.

Networks and relationships are key to your sales and marketing success. You need them to get leads, establish partnerships, and expand your business. This is give and take. Feed your connections by giving them value at a ratio of 5:1. % times you give, 1 time you take. (If you do this then you won't need to be afraid to ask for something when you need it).

Adaptability and courage

Be open to experimentation and innovation. Seriously, go for it! If you run a business you'll have to adapt to changing sales and marketing landscapes. People with low self-esteem may be risk averse and resist change, which makes it hard for them to stay competitive.

Done all of the above...and got a setback? Forgive yourself and bounce back from rejection

"rejected", well, it's a normal part of sales and marketing. It's a numbers game remember? Firstly, you can't be for everyone and it's good to repel the wrong people. In the end you don't need to sell to everyone but only to your trusty circle of like minded customers. Make the most out of this club.

The danger? People with low self-esteem may take rejection personally, which can lead to discouragement, low motivation, and battered resilience. Don't get sucked into the muck.

Try to see rejection as part of the process, allowing yourself to bounce back and learn from it.


Realtalk: What's Your Sales Confidence Level?


Keep an eye out for these signs in yourself, because they mean you're getting more confident! You have to remember that confidence is a journey. To be successful in sales and marketing, you've got to keep refining your skills and mindset. So go and give yoruself a pat on the back for everything you're already doing. You derserve it.


Sales and marketing confidence signs



You communicate the value of your products and services clearly and persuasively. You have zero desperate vibes because you're certain of the value you offer. You know you can help people. 



You really listen to your clients form a desire to help them. This puts you in the position of understanding their needs and you can tailor your products and message accordingly.



You value and encourage feedback as part of the client journey. You're a scientist in your business: observing the market, experimenting with messages and products. It's just observing and learning, nothing emotional, and there's no chip on your shoulder. 


You don't see rejection as a personal attack or setback, but as an opportunity to learn and develop. If you get unconstructive feedback you manage to put it behind you because you're aware that you can't be for everyone.



It's part of your process to ask for a testimonial after feedback is given. There's no emotion to this, it's just a simple request. You have no problem asking people for favours like this.



Your voice is heard in negotiations, discussions, and presentations. You can easily switch up your sales approach to suit different clients and situations.



That's it. Simplify to amplify as Marie Forleo would say. You plan your tasks in a way that you can complete them with time to spare.



You're relatable. You share from a position of transparency instead of bare vulnerability. And when talking to people you manage just the right amount of eye contact and have a welcoming posture. You enjoy speaking to others and it shows.



Social media comes naturally to you, and you're great at networking. Getting people talking and building relationships is what you do.



Your goals are clear and measurable and achieving them motivates you even more. You subsribe to slow productivity which means doing something regularly and well.



Being passionate about what you do gives potential clients confidence. You 100% believe in the high quality of what you have to offer.



You believe in the value you offer, you honour your time. That's why it's easy and pleasant for you to follow up with leads.



You embrace marketing and sales tools and technology to simplify your processes and take tasks off your plate. You manage this without getting overwhelmed or sidetracked.



You're good at converting leads and hitting your sales goals.



Finally, you are positive and optimistic, you see challenges as opportunities to grow instead of obstacles. You're always learning, looking for ways to improve your skills and your life.


Resources for Healing Low Self Esteem


Start here: guided meditation to clear your mind and stop overthinking

Codependent No More, Melodie Beatty

How To Do The Work, Dr Nicole LePera,

The Beauty Myth, Naomi Wolf

Taking up dance cardio to get out of your body. Isaac Houston is my personal favourite!


You Know It: Healing Low Self-Esteem From Past Programming Is The Most Effective Way To Boost Your Sales And Marketing Confidence 


Let go of fear and self-doubt and make meaningful connections with others. 

Think of what you could do with your newfound confidence. Focus on breaking free from past programming instead of regretting missed opportunities. There's no stopping you now!

If you want to see how this confidence boost could help you feel free to claim your free clarity call!

lots of love,





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